matlab 명령어



Load workspace variables from disk


  • load
    load('filename', 'X', 'Y', 'Z')
    load('filename', '-regexp', exprlist)
    load('-mat', 'filename')
    load('-ascii', 'filename')
    S = load(...)
    load filename -regexp expr1 expr2 ...


Example 1 -- Loading From a Binary MAT-file

To see what is in the MAT-file prior to loading it, use whos -file:

  • whos -file mydata.mat
      Name           Size            Bytes  Class
      javArray      10x1                     java.lang.Double[][]
      spArray        5x5                 84  double array (sparse)
      strArray       2x5                678  cell array
      x              3x2x2               96  double array
      y              4x5               1230  cell array

Clear the workspace and load it from MAT-file mydata.mat:

  • clear
    load mydata
      Name           Size             Bytes  Class
      javArray      10x1                     java.lang.Double[][]
      spArray        5x5                 84  double array (sparse)
      strArray       2x5                678  cell array
      x              3x2x2               96  double array
      y              4x5               1230  cell array

Example 2 -- Loading From an ASCII File

Create several 4-column matrices and save them to an ASCII file:

  • a = magic(4);  b = ones(2, 4) * -5.7;  c = [8 6 4 2];
    save -ascii mydata.dat

Clear the workspace and load it from the file mydata.dat. If the filename has an extension other than .mat, MATLAB assumes that it is ASCII:

  • clear
    load mydata.dat

MATLAB loads all data from the ASCII file, merges it into a single matrix, and assigns the matrix to a variable named after the filename:

  • mydata
    mydata =
       16.0000    2.0000    3.0000   13.0000
        5.0000   11.0000   10.0000    8.0000
        9.0000    7.0000    6.0000   12.0000
        4.0000   14.0000   15.0000    1.0000
       -5.7000   -5.7000   -5.7000   -5.7000
       -5.7000   -5.7000   -5.7000   -5.7000
        8.0000    6.0000    4.0000    2.0000

Example 3 -- Using Regular Expressions

Using regular expressions, load from MAT-file mydata.mat those variables with names that begin with MonTue, or Wed:

  • load('mydata', '-regexp', '^Mon|^Tue|^Wed');

Here is another way of doing the same thing. In this case, there are three separate expression arguments:

  • load('mydata', '-regexp', '^Mon', '^Tue', '^Wed');

See Also

실행파일 생성

function 실행파일명()

>> mcc -m 실행파일.m

mat를 xlx로 변환

load 파일명.mat;

filename = '파일명.xlsx';


행렬 명령어



1 2 3 4 5



0부터 2*pi 까지

.1 의 간격으로 생성됨


linsepace (star,stop,npoints): 함수 사용하면 됨



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