전산해석을 위한 물성 모델

아바쿠스사 물성 관련 List

1. Neo-Hookean Calibration of an Elastomer

2. Yeoh Model Calibration of an Elastomer 

3. Understanding Prony series viscoelasticity - Part 1 

4. Understanding Prony series viscoelasticity - Part 2 
(relation between storage & loss moduli and Prony series) 

5. Calibration of Prony series from DMA test data 

6. Linear and Nonlinear Viscoelasticity 

7. Time-Temperature Superposition (TTS), TRS, WLF
Calibration of a homogeneous deformation using a unit-cube in Abaqus: 

8. Hyperelasticity with Permanent Set; Demo of Calibration in A/CAE
Calibration of a non-homogeneous deformation using Isight + Abaqus: 

9. Isight Calibration of a Bonded Rubber Puck
General Purpose Calibration using Isight optimization: 

10. Isight Corner : How to calibrate materials using Isight? 

11. Integrated Hyper+Prony Calibration solution for the time varying response of elastomers Modeling and Calibration of Polymers and Plastics: 

12 Playback - eSeminar on “Modeling of Polymers and Plastics with Abaqus”
Multiscale Material Modeling (micromechanics): 

13 Multiscale Material Modeling in Abaqus/CAE with NASA's FEAMAC: Introduction 

14 Multiscale Material Modeling in Abaqus/CAE with NASA's FEAMAC: Workshop Example 1 

15 Multiscale Material Modeling in Abaqus/CAE with NASA's FEAMAC: Workshop Example 2

16 Sharing Material Test Data

17 Sharing Abaqus test specimen models

18 Creating custom material calibration plug-ins in Abaqus/CAE 

19 Abaqus/CAE plug-in utility to calibrate Nitinol material behavior 

20 Using cyclic stress-strain curves with kinematic hardening plasticity in Abaqus 

21 Good reference papers for Abaqus material models (link to AUC/SCC paper search):
Yang, et al, 2001 AUC ; (covers hyperelasticity, viscoelasticity and WLF) 

22 Experimental Characterisation and Modelling of Rubber for ABAQUS
Kim, et al, 2009 SCC ; (covers Drucker Prager and DR creep for plastics): 

23 The Pressure and Temperature Dependent Creep Behavior Modeling of an Automotive Instrument Panel Material Strowig, et al, 2011 SCC ; (DIC measurements) : 

24 Using an Optical Measuring System for Identification of Material Parameters for Finite Element Analysis


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AMD 1700 오버클릭